- A pear a day keeps the pesticides away - more fiber, potassium and folate than an apple, and fewer pesticide residues.
- Eat your garnish - parsley packs a punch as potent as kale for a quarter the price.
- Not a carrot lover? Sweet potatoes pack twice the fiber, potassium and vitamin A of carrots.
- Super okra? Okra beat out more than 100 other veggies to rise to the top of our lists.
- One serving of filling oatmeal is about half the cost of a bowl of sugary cereal? For animal sources of protein, roast turkey tops the list. But to eat on the cheap, you can't beat pinto beans or lentils at one-fifth the cost.
Easy little things you can do!
This is important: wash your hands with soap and water, it is sufficient!
No need to put anything else with harsh chemicals in it that will dry out your hands. Anytime you come back home from the stores, make it an habit and wash your hands right away, before spreading the germs!
Teach your children to sneeze/cough in their elbows rather than covering their mouth! I know, I have been told to cover my mouth too, but when you think of it, it is NOT the way to do it.
When washing thoroughly your vegetables, add a tablespoon of vinegar in the water. If there are little creatures, they won't like the sting and will detach.
To neutralize cooking odors (like onions) in your house, boil a cup of water or white vinegar with 5 cloves and add some cinnamon.
Use ice cube trays to freeze small portions of pesto, broth, applesauce and tomato sauce (or anything you can think of). Transfer the cubes to a Ziplock bag or other freezer-proof container and it will be easy to pull out exactly how much you need.
Did you know that if you store your potatoes in the fridge, they will go sweet on you?